Passion for Science
TUM: Junge Akademie is TUM's scholarship program for exceptionally talented and dedicated students, also inviting students of TUMJA's partner universities.
It is not given for granted that people take responsibility for their personal development or plans because the scope to develop and carry out an initial idea from start to finish is often limited. That is where the TUM: Junge Akademie can help by providing dedicated students with an individual scope for development to reach positions of responsibility in our modern society. The scholarship aims to confront the most promising students with open and challenging problems and teach them how to solve such issues.
Right from the beginning, the participants are involved in a vibrant network consisting of alumni of the academy, members of both the active professors and the TUM Emeriti of Excellence, as well as young researchers. There are exclusive workshops, cultural events, and financial resources to implement project ideas and to facilitate comprehensive training and personal development measures beyond the respective fields of study.
Working on the scientific projects is the core element in the scholarship program of TUM: Junge Akademie. Find out more about the current student research projects. more
Scholarship Program
For 20 months, the scholarship holders work in interdisciplinary teams on projects of their choice. During this time, TUMJA offers its scholarship holders a variety of different workshops and events. more
Along with the project work, all scholarship holders become a member of one of our taskforces. The taskforces are responsible for organizational tasks like planning the annual symposium or selecting the next years’ scholarship holders. more
Mini-Workshop Poster Creation #class25
#TUMcampuslauf 2025 – SAVE THE DATE!
TUMJA Symposium #class24
TUM Science Hackathon
#TUMcampuslauf 2025 – SAVE THE DATE!
Clean Stream Team: Our Mission
communicaTUM: Finishing Statistics and Preparing Trip!
- TUMJA allgemein: jungeakademie(at) oder +
- EuroTeQ Collider: euroteq(at) oder +
- TUM Campuslauf: campuslauf(at)