TUM Campus Run 2025
Save the date! The TUM Campus Run 2025 takes place on May 14 in Garching.
The registration form for the 11th TUM Campus Run is open until April 21.
Please read the information on the registration process and the challenges below carefully.
The registration can be made as a single runner or as a group entry (min. 5 to max. 9 participants per team).
For registration please note the following points:
Individual reservation: Select Individual reservation -> select type of participant -> select the running distance -> enter the TUM identification -> select Individual Run, Team Challenge, or Chair Challenge (only 11 km) -> enter the team or chair name when participating in a challenge -> select your gender -> specify the estimated runtime -> Enter your data (used to create an invoice) and create a user account or log in with an existing user account -> Read and accept the privacy policy -> “save the information and continue” -> check your data and proceed to “checkout” -> choose your payment method (ideally by bank transfer; otherwise we will have to pay a fee to the credit card operator, thank you), read, and accept the conditions of participation -> After that, the invoice and your ticket will be sent to the given email address -> As soon as the invoice amount has been transferred and registered, you will receive a final confirmation.
Group reservation (min. 5 to max. 9 participants per team): Create group manager -> Check the billing address -> Go to “participant overview” -> Add a participant -> Specify the participant’s data and add participants individually via “Select Offers”. Please register all participants in a single session, as the tool will not save your entries until the registration is complete.
The running fee varies according to the time of registration as follows:
- Early Bird Anmeldung: 10.02.2025 bis 09.03.2025 -> 15 €
- Run @ TUM Anmeldung: 10.03.2025 bis 06.04.2025 -> 20 €
- Late Bird Anmeldung: 07.04.2025 bis 21.04.2025 -> 25 €
- We cannot offer more than 2.500 places in total (5.5 km + 11 km). The registration will be closed as soon as the 2.500 places have been taken.
- Until 27.04.2025 you have the possibility to state a stand-by by writing an email. This is only possible if a woman is replacing a woman, a diverse runner is replacing a diverse runner or a men is replacing a men and if there is no change to the pre-registered distance.
It is unfortunately not possible to get a refund of the participation fee.
All of those who want to take part in the Chair Challenge only have to mark the corresponding field when registering (Registration for the Chair Challenge) and specify the name of the chair.
Please pay attention to the correct and identic spelling of the chair (e.g. Lehrstuhl für elektrische Energiespeichertechnik) for each team member - otherwise we may not be able to assign them.
It makes no difference whether you are the head of the chair, work for the chair, or are writing your thesis there. The main thing is that you agree as a chair and register under the identic chair name; this simplifies the verification process for the organiser.
It is important that the chair team is composed of a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 9 runners. If larger teams (more than 9 runners) register, we will automatically split them up before the race according to the time of their registration (chair name 1, chair name 2, etc.). The times of the five fastest runners within a (sub)chair will be added together to determine the winning time for the fastest chair (it may therefore be important which team you are assigned to). Of course, all runners of the winning chair will be invited to the award ceremony.
For larger teams, this means:
before you sign up, consider which runners have the best chance of winning a top spot and register accordingly.
To participate, you only need to mark the corresponding field when registering (Participation in the Chair Challenge) and register the name of the chair. Make sure that everyone in your team spells the chair name exactly the same, otherwise we may not be able to assign you to your teams.

Additional to the Chair Challenge, there will also be a Male and a Female Professor Challenge which was established in 2017.
To participate, you only need to select the right type of participant at the beginning of the registration (either male or female professor) and then mark the corresponding field (Participation in the Male or Female Professor Challenge).
All professors can take part in the Professor Challenge as well as in the Chair Challenge. Please do not forget to state your title when registering, so that we can assign you clearly.
All teams with at least 5 participants consisting of
- students of TUM in general (from all field of studies)
- student organisations/initiatives/council of TUM (IKOM, WARR, TUfast, Junge Akademie etc.) and/or
- employees from the administration and facilities (library, management, International Center, hotline, faculty administration etc.)
It is important that the team is composed of a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 9 runners. If larger teams (more than 9 runners) register, we will automatically split them up before the race according to the time of their registration (team name 1, team name 2, etc.). The times of the five fastest runners within a (sub)team will be added together to determine the winning time for the fastest teams (it may therefore be important which team you are assigned to). Of course, all runners of the winning team will be invited to the award ceremony.
For larger teams, this means:
before you sign up, consider which runners have the best chance of winning a top spot and register accordingly.
To participate, you only need to mark the corresponding field when registering (Participation in the TUMlinge-Challenge) and register the name of the team. Make sure that everyone in your team spells the team name exactly the same, otherwise we may not be able to assign you to your teams.
All other TUM students or alumni can form a team of at least five participants (e.g. student council teams, residence teams or just a diverse team).
It is important that the team is composed of a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 9 runners. If larger teams (more than 9 runners) register, we will automatically split them up before the race according to the time of their registration (team name 1, team name 2, etc.). The times of the five fastest runners within a (sub)team will be added together to determine the winning time for the fastest teams (it may therefore be important which team you are assigned to). Of course, all runners of the winning team will be invited to the award ceremony.
For larger teams, this means:
before you sign up, consider which runners have the best chance of winning a top spot and register accordingly.
To participate, you only need to mark the corresponding field when registering (Participation in the Team Challenge) and register the name of the team. Make sure that everyone in your team spells the team name exactly the same, otherwise we may not be able to assign you to your teams.
Run training with TUM4Health

TUM4Health prepares you for the campus run: for the 5.5 km as well as the 11 km.
The 10-week program enables beginners to complete their first 5.5 km run in a healthy way. Somewhat experienced runners can also tackle double-digit kilometers for the first time with our training plans.
Alongside tips and additional exercises, we mainly want to make exercise fun!
All important information for healthy and holistic running training can be found at: Laufprogramm (tum4health.de)
This run is organised free of charge and voluntarily by the TUM: Junge Akademie as well as from students and co-workers from different areas at TUM.
Please direct your inquires to campuslauf(at)tum.de.