
The supervisors each accompany one of the student research teams over the project duration of 20 months (November to June). They advise their team on all necessary development steps, from defining the research question to the final project report. They usually take on the task in tandem, often in a highly interdisciplinary manner, with colleagues from TUM or one of the three partner universities, which gives the task a unique appeal.
Right from the beginning, the idea of founding a special program that provides support for the most promising TUM students and that also focuses on issues of personal development beyond specialist qualifications received a lot of sympathy throughout the TUM faculties – especially by the retired professors who are involved as supervisors, helping to implement the projects that play a central role during the first year of the TUM: Junge Akademie. In the future, the young scholarship holders will also be able to choose one of the experienced professors as a personal mentor and to access his/her personal network. This role can be filled by an active professor or a professor emeritus. The Emeriti of Excellence are particularly obliged to provide assistance for the gifted students.
As a spokesman for the Emeriti of Excellence, I would like to invite you, dear students, to take advantage of our offer for you to benefit from the experience of the "elders". This includes our connections within the university as well as our contacts to other universities or research institutes in Germany and abroad that might come up with interesting impulses for a Bachelor's or Master's thesis, opportunities to network with companies or with internships or job opportunities for working students. Perhaps it could even be the smallest impulse arising from a personal interview that would make it worth to contact the experienced academics. On the TUM-website, you will find an introductory overview of the TUM Emeriti of Excellence and their areas of expertise.
I wish the TUM: Junge Akademie ongoing success and hope that the scholarship holders will cherish the possibility to pursue fascinating interdisciplinary projects together with their brilliant colleagues!
Prof. Dr. med. Michael Molls
Spokesman of the Emeriti of Excellence
- Prof. Dr. Peter Annighöfer (ElecTUM)
- Prof. Dr. Sophie Armanini (CheckMate)
- Prof. Dr. Maria Bannert (Digital Enlightenment)
- Prof. Dr. med. Pascal Berberat (Unispeak)
- Prof. Dr. Sonja Berensmeier (FreeSearch)
- Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Bungartz (Entertrainment)
- Prof. Dr. Martin Buss (SciCom)
- Prof. Dr. Walter Timo de Vries (picturise)
- Dr. Veronika Diem (africast)
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Klaus Diepold (mitfahrAPP, TUMbikesharing, relax@campus, TUMcloud)
- Prof. Dr. Niklas Fanelsa (Tick Talkers)
- Prof. Dr. em. Georg Färber /EoE
- Prof. Dr. Ignácio Farias Hurtado (Zukunft der Mobilität)
- Prof. Dr. Peter Fierlinger (Entscheidungsprozesse in der Asylpolitik/Demokratie)
- Prof. Dr. med. Hans Förstl (Quintessence)
- Prof. Fritz Frenkler (dare2share)
- Dr. Frank Friess (zusammen.sammeln)
- Prof. Dr. Marieclara Gadebusch Bondio (wachsTUM)
- Prof. Dr. Jürgen Geist (runTUMfit)
- Dr. Eleni Georganta (Vinfo)
- Prof. Dr. med. em. Paul Gerhardt / EoE (Gesundheitssystem, wachsTUM)
- Prof. Dr. med. em. Reiner Gradinger (Healthtoday)
- Prof. Dr. Peter Gritzmann (Exhibition Fish)
- Prof. Dr. Ilona Grunwald Kadow (Proactivation)
- Prof. Dr. Lisa Herzog (Diversität nutzen, Digital Enlightenment)
- Prof. Dr. em. Bertold Hock / EoE (openTUM, LoPA)
- Prof. Dr. em. Franz Hofmann / EoE (Diversität nutzen)
- Prof. Dr. Doris Holzberger (ERIK*A)
- Prof. Dr. em. Eike Jessen /EoE
- Prof. Dr. Stephan Jonas (Exfluenced)
- Prof. Dr. Enkelejda Kasneci (Tick Talkers)
- Dr. Hannemor Keidel (esperanTUM, TUMradio)
- Prof. Dr. Anna Keune (Aesthetics)
- Andrea Kick M.A. (visiTUM)
- Prof. Dr. em. Manfred Kleber /EoE
- Prof. Dr. Claudia Klüppelberg (TUManywords)
- Prof. Dr. Michael Krautblatter (matchBOX)
- Prof. Dr. Helmut Krcmar (Exfluenced)
- Prof. Dr. Michaela Krützen (Clarify)
- Dr. Alexander Lang (dare2share, muc.Me, PIA, SchaschLEAK)
- Prof. Peter Latz (Zukunft der Mobilität)
- Prof. Dr. em. Alfred Laubereau (lecture lab)
- Prof. Maurice Lausberg / HMTM (Exhibition Fish)
- Prof. Dr. Sara Leonhardt (ElecTUM)
- Prof. Dr. Oliver Lieleg (Membrains)
- Prof. Dr. Sabine Maasen (openTUM, modulo, muc.Me, PIA)
- Prof. Dr. Holger Magel (Leto)
- Prof. Felix Mayer (picturise, AppCycle)
- Prof. Dr. em. Klaus Mainzer / EoE (Unispeak, SciCom)
- Prof. Dr. em. Ernst Mayr / EoE (StreetScience, africast, CreaThesis)
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Liqiu Meng (Healthtoday)
- Prof. Dr. rer.nat. Tilman Michaeli (CheckMate)
- Prof. Dr. Rolf Moeckel (CreaThesis)
- Prof. Dr. Alvine Mohnen (zusammen.sammeln, Foodtomorrow, matchBOX)
- Gwillem Mosdale (Membrains)
- Prof. Dr. Ruth Müller (Foodtomorrow)
- Prof. Jan Müller-Wieland / HMTM (Entertrainment)
- Prof. Dr. Annette Noschka-Roos (science sushi, lecuture lab, EvaluaTUM)
- Prof. Dr. Volker Nürnberg (Lacktivity, Healthy Habits)
- Dr. Jan-Hendrik Passoth (AppCycle)
- Dr. Hannes Petermeier (Foodtomorrow, Eat me!, ClusterMe)
- Prof. Dr. Winfried Petry (Scienciety)
- Prof. Dr. Friedrich Pfeiffer /EoE
- Prof. Dr. Cristina Piazza (Aesthetics)
- Prof. Dr. Daniel Pittich (Clarify)
- Prof. Dr. Christina Raasch (Unispeak)
- Stefanie Reiffert (TUMradio)
- Prof. Dr. Kristina Reiss (visiTUM, lecture lab)
- Prof. Dr. Philipp Reiß (Somnoactive)
- Dr. Florian Röhrbein (Healthy Habits, modulo, SciCom)
- Prof. Dr. Sylvia Rothe / HFF (TUManywords)
- Prof. Dr. Azzurra Ruggeri (Study Strats)
- Prof. Dr. em. Peter Russer / EoE (StreetScience)
- Prof. Dr. Erich Sackmann/EoE (CredibiliTUM)
- Dr. Marouane Sayih (Entscheidungsprozesse in der Asylpolitik/Demokratie)
- Prof. Dr. Michael Scherman (zusammen.sammeln)
- Prof. Dr. Jürgen Scheurle (ClusterMe)
- Dr. Kristina Schick (Vinfo)
- Silke Schmidt (Clarify)
- Prof. Dr. Manuel Spitschan (Somnoactive)
- Prof. Dr. Gernot Spiegelberg (Zukunft der Mobilität)
- Prof. Dr. Maximilian Schiffer (Digital Enlightenment)
- Prof. Dr. Christoph Ungemach (Entertrainment)
- Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Wacker (Entscheidungsprozesse in der Asylpolitik/Demokratie, CredibiliTUM)
- Prof. Dr. Isabell Welpe (TUMsocial, science sushi)
- Prof. Dr. Martin Werner (Culture)
- Dr. Manuel Wiesche (picturise, SchaschLEAK)
- Prof. Dr. em. Peter Wilderer /EoE (Foodtomorrow)
- Dr. Susanne Witzgall / ADBK (APPcycle, Quintessence)
- Prof. Dr. Stefan Wurster (muc.Me, PIA)
- Prof. Dr. Cathleen Zeymer (SustainAct)
- PD Dr. Alexander Zink (Proactivation)