[EuroTeQ 2024] Creating Software Prototypes to Enrich your Project Pitches


This workshop will introduce you to different tools that enable you to create software prototypes. Why are prototypes important? Because you can leverage them to demonstrate the potential of your solution to team members or even stakeholder of different technical backgrounds.

In the workshop we will develop an example prototype. You will learn about the prime MATLAB® applications for creating and sharing prototypes of envisioned solutions quickly and easily. The workshop examples will be based on MATLAB. If you are not familiar with MATLAB you can complete the interactive MATLAB Onramp course (ca. 2h) prior to the workshop.

What to expect?

You will

  • ... use MATLAB App Designer to create a simple prototype: you will generate data by leveraging a graphical user interface (GUI) to easily collect data from users. 
  • ... will analyze and visualize the collected user responses and reaction times with a Live Script. Live Scripts are great to interactively illustrate and evaluate data. In this part, you will be introduced to more advanced analysis techniques (such as machine learning).
  • ... will exchange data between the prototype and Live Scripts in CSV format. This will show you how to access and exchange data with commonly used tools like Microsoft Excel—a popular tool in many disciplines.

Additional Event Information for Registrants (optional confirmation page text):

You will receive an email with further instructions approximately one week before the workshop.