
Tick Talkers: Working on Pottery and Ticks

Projekt News |

"Discover how Bavaria's changing climate and human activity intersect with the rise of Lyme disease – Tick Talkers unravels the mystery with groundbreaking research."

Our team Tick Talkers focuses on the impact of climate change and human activities on the prevalence of Lyme disease in Bavaria, Germany.

As we're all undoubtedly aware, Lyme disease has been a growing concern, especially in areas renowned for outdoor activities. Bavaria's unique landscape and rising Lyme disease incidence make it an important area for such studies. We believe that our research could bring fresh perspectives and might align with your expertise in epidemiology.

We're integrating multiple disciplines - marrying environmental science with epidemiological data analysis. Leveraging historical climate records, disease incidence reports, and demographic data, we aim to unveil the correlations between Lyme disease's prevalence, climate change-induced factors, and human activities. Our methodology incorporates different modeling techniques to provide a holistic understanding.

Read more about our project