
Team #checkmate - Prof. Dr. Tilman Michaeli becomes supervisor

Projekt News, Veranstaltung |

Prof. Dr. Tilman Michaeli has recently been appointed supervisor of the CheckMate team, thereby completing the tandem of supervisors to include Prof. Dr. Sophia Armanini, who has been active in the project since its inception.

Credits: TUM

In 2021, Prof. Dr. Tilman Michaeli (*1992) was appointed to the TUM and took over the Professorship for Computer Science Didactics at the TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology in Munich. When the team CheckMate of #class22 approached him in early July requesting a supervisor engagement, he did not hesitate and accepted the invitation.

Team CheckMate deals with the interaction of children and young people who have daily contact with digital communication devices and for whom media consumption is a natural part of their everyday lives.
In this context, the perception of false and misleading information is also part of everyday life and is becoming more and more important.

The student research team plans to develop an interactive tool that indicates whether one is able to distinguish fake news from real information, based on the responses of the person taking the test. This is tailored to social media information and fake news. The tool aims to increase students' media literacy in a fun way and promote critical thinking when consuming information on social media.

Welcome to the team and to TUMJA, Tilman!


Learn about Prof. Michaeli: https://www.professoren.tum.de/michaeli-tilman and his field of research and teaching: https://www.edu.sot.tum.de/ddi/ 

Information about CheckMate: https://www.ja.tum.de/ja/projekte/2022/checkmate/