
Projekt News, Veranstaltung |

M!A - Munich student initiatives evening!

Get involved in one of the exciting initiatives in Munich. Most of them start the application process right now! 40 student initiatives and organizations introduce into their work, activities, schedule, and how you might become an active member.

Veranstaltung |

Alumni of TUMJA: meet Elena, Postdoc Researcher in Montreal

Elena Corella Puertas was a TUMJA scholarship holder in the class of 2013. After her Bachelor's and Master's in Chemical Engineering at TUM, she did her Ph.D. at McGill University in Montreal/Canada. Elena now works as a postdoc at an interdisciplinary research center in Montreal and teaches at McGill University. Her current research topics are the fate of plastics in the environment and Life…

Projekt News, Veranstaltung |

[elecTUM] Website online!

We are proud to announce that our website https://electum.ja.tum.de/ is finally online! Feel free to try out our calculator, where you can estimate and compare the energy consumption of different scenarios of academic teaching.

Projekt News, Veranstaltung |

WORDSHOP – das TUMJA Seminar für Literatur- und Schreibbegeisterte

In diesem Frühjahr werden wir erstmals den WORDSHOP für bis zu 12 Studierende und Doktorand*innen anbieten. Von März bis Juni entwicklen die Teilnehmer*innen ein Kurzgeschichte zum Thema "Unerwartetete Begegnungen" und blicken hinter die Kulissen beim Entstehungsprozess von Büchern. Bewerbungen mit einem ersten Entwurf zur Kurzgeschichte können bis 12.03.2022 eingereicht werden.

Veranstaltung |

TUM4Mind: Staying relaxed during the exam phase

Take a deep breath, calm down and keep cool during the exam phase!

Veranstaltung |

Alumni of TUMJA: meet Prof. Dr. Matthias Geuß, Professor for Embedded Systems at Coburg University

Matthias Geuß has studied Mechanical Engineering at TUM and Economics at the FernUni Hagen. After his Ph.D. at the TUM Chair of Automatic Control, he has worked for the automotive industry. He became a professor at Hof University in 2018. In 2021, he changed to Coburg University.

Veranstaltung |

LETO: final programming steps for our app

After one and a half years of hard work, we made a website.

Veranstaltung |

Cross Challenge: Pigeons, Deafs, and Slime Blops

The first year of the Cross Challenge as cooperation between TUM and the three art colleges in Munich (HFF, HMTM, and ADBK) is entering its fourth and final month.