
LMU joins TUMJA network

Veranstaltung |

Students of the Ludwig-Maximilian-University might apply to join TUMs´scholarship program for exceptional talented students of all field of studies, too.


The concept of ONE MUNICH: networking strategy in the metropolitan region, as a part of the Excellence Strategy of TUM for the period 2019-2026, makes it possible for students of LMU. 

To strengthing the metropolitan region Munich, students of all fields of study of LMU might become scholarship holders with the beginning of the 12th year of TUMJA. 

For your application, please provide in addition to the documents requested, a letter of recommendation, by one of your professors, identifying you as a talented and highly in research interested student. 

We are proud of our extremely interdisciplinary network, composed of students and researchers of TUM, ADBK, HFF, HMTM, and with the beginning of Year 2021 of LMU, too. 

For more information please do not hesitate and contact us by